Friday, August 6, 2010

Look at me! I know how to type!

The other day I heard a news story (I use that term loosely because I heard the story on the Today Show) that said that blogging, they called it "self publishing," was so popular these days because it was very empowering for the writer.  I couldn't agree more, if by empowering, they were really meaning narcissistic.  That might sound negative and I guess a part of it is. Between blogging, tweeting, facebooking, foursquaring and flickr'ing we certainly have more than ample technological outlets to say, "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!"  With that being stated, here I am, starting my own, shiny, new blog.  I figured it's easier to fully embrace the narcissism, basking in its warm, gooey, self-important glow, rather than try to over come it.

This particular "empowering self publication" will mostly be about my glamorous job waiting tables, waitressing, serving, or whatever the politically correct term is nowadays for bringing people food and beer.  This is my second stint as a waitress.  I completed my first tour of duty during my college years at Penn State, back in the good old days when the only responsibilities I had entailed scraping enough tips together for rent and beer, writing a few papers and feeding my cat.  I've long since traded in those carefree days for a life that's much more stable and comfortable.  I can honestly say I wouldn't want to relive those days again.  I love being a wife, a home owner and a human being with a regular sleep schedule.  

Waitressing during college to make ends meet and waitressing as a "grown up" are two very different experiences.  I no longer want the sweet Friday night shifts.  I've worked one Friday night since I've started and it kicked my ass.  I am much too old, at least in my head, to be dealing with annoying drunk people at 1:00 AM.  So I'm enjoying my nice Monday through Friday lunch shifts, the money isn't as good, but the normalcy more than makes up for it.  One thing that hasn't changed- ridiculous customers and enough drama to choke a real housewife of Orange County.

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